Bulk internet archive checker. Find first archive date of 500 websites in a flash.

This Wayback Machine checker tool is great for seeing which of your own domains or domains you're interesting in buying is accessible by the Wayback Machine.

The Wayback archive results of this tool will show if the domain has been archived, how many times and when it was first and last archived. By using this internet archive search you will be able to see in an instant all of this information that will help you to go ahead and purchase domains or do any work to existing ones that you have already. This Wayback Machine checker is free to use as well.

* Your domain name search results are not being recorded.

Input list. You may input domains in any format (max 500 domains)  

Remove Duplicate Domains

  alert sound when done

  Web Of Trust (myWOT.com) ratings

# Domain Name Archived Y/N Saved # Times First Archived Last Archived

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